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welcome to today’s video where we will be diving into this brand new application called core serious 2. let’s go deeper into this upcoming application called core serious 2. core serious is a brand new revolutionary e-learning platform that lets you create and sell unlimited courses online with just a few clicks here’s everything this new core serious 2 gives you new features advanced course manager to manage courses payment gateway integration upload rich media files seo optimized branded student panel built-in support slash ticket system no domain or hosting required new features admin can preview courses smtp issue in core serious one now fixed one click niche based academy setup advanced course manager to manage courses easy to use lesson manager to add sections or quizzes between lessons advance and customized video lesson player advanced sorting options for students to sort courses by ratings category level language price etc your own marketplace to list and sell courses and keep 100 of the profits payment gateway integration with paypal and stripe and multiple currency support to receive payments directly upload rich media files youtube url vimeo url mp4 url document files image files and a frame embed etc seo optimized 100 seo optimized courses and sites create beautiful seo optimized and mobile responsive e-learning sites within minutes branded student panel to add slash manage enroll students from the back end built-in support ticket system to provide support to students no domain or hosting required get your own ssl secured sub-domains for each academy set up your own smtp for mailing your students and it doesn’t stop there catch core serious 2 now and you’re getting my mobile app professional custom logo free of charge this limited time offer gives you all these for free mobile app get free mobile app for your website purchase from us our email contact professional logo get a 100 free custom professional logo when you purchase core serious through our link our email contact hey this is eric and welcome to core serious you can log in at forward slash login when you log in you’ll see a dashboard where you can manage your academies you can either choose an academy to manage or you can add a new academy let’s create a new academy i’ll call it eric’s academy you can choose a custom sub domain in this case we’ll just say eric the academy icon is optional i went ahead and created a very basic one it’s just an e with a circle around it in the academy logo is also optional i created a very basic one it just says eric’s academy with a rectangle around it you don’t have to be a graphic designer to make something like that and yet it will work perfectly we’ll go ahead and click submit and my academy has been created at the top of the screen you’ll see the name of the academy that you’re currently managing or you can click on actions and manage academy next let’s take a look at the categories by default we’ve created some categories for the instant products that come with your membership you can also add your own new categories i’m going to create a new category called making money online optionally i can choose an icon and a thumbnail for the category i’ll go ahead and skip that for now each category should have at least one subcategory so i’m going to go ahead and click add new category again and now i’m going to add the subcategory of website building so the parent will be making money online now that i have a category to work with i’m going to click on courses your membership comes with some courses that are pre-configured to begin selling immediately for example if i click on this one here that says content marketing revolution full training guide i’ll view it on the academy and you can see it’s basically ready to go you can set your own price and begin selling it right away that’s an instant shortcut to your own library of products that you can begin selling now i’m going to go ahead and add a new course rather than blitz through with a fake course for this demo i’m going to go ahead and add a real course one that i actually sell it’s called the arbicash course after giving it a title you have the option of adding a short description which i will do and then you can add a full description now you can be as short or as lengthy as you would like to be the beauty of this type of e-learning platform is that you don’t have to write a full-blown sales letter you could simply write a short description with a couple of bullet points and that’s often enough to sell your course i’m going to go ahead and grab just a small amount of content from the original sales letter that i used to sell this course i’ll go ahead and paste that into the description and i’m going to go ahead and grab a few bullet points as well and i think that’s all i really need in order to sell this course for the category i’m going to go ahead and select that one that i just created website building or the making money online category for the level i’ll leave it at beginner and i’ll click the next button requirements are optional but they are basically presented like bullet points i’m going to go ahead and say we need an internet connection and let’s say we need a desire to make money online we’ll click next the outcomes are also optional i’m going to go ahead and grab just a few of those bullet points how to set up a simple website and how to drive massive page views how to cash in with affiliate articles we’ll say and so much more all right we’ll click the next for pricing you can make it free if you want to use it as a lead building tool or you can set any price of your choice let’s say this is a 97 course i’m going to check to give it a discount and we’ll say the discounted price is 77 next you have the option of adding a course preview video to your sales page videos can be hosted at youtube vimeo or anywhere you want with a link to the mp4 file on your own website or say amazon s3 i’ll go ahead and grab a video that i have on youtube simply copy the link to the video paste it in you also have the option of adding a course thumbnail we’ll go ahead and grab this image that i already have for this course on the next page you have the option of adding some keywords in a description for seo purposes so my keywords might be something like native ads arbitrage make money website my description might be something like a course teaching anyone including beginners how to cash in with a very simple website and advertising arbitrage strategy i’ll click next and then publish and activate now i need to add the course itself so first i’m going to add a section and we’ll just call this the arbi cache course modules you can add unlimited sections and then unlimited lessons or quizzes beneath each of those sections i’m going to put all of my content within this one section so i’m going to start by adding a lesson this is the content of my course which i have on my computer the first module is actually a pdf file so i’m going to select document click next the title will be module 1 the course i’m going to browse for that document you can add a description in the summary if you want to and then click add lesson course areas will actually host that document for me so i don’t have to worry about uploading it or protecting it somewhere else i’ll go ahead and add the next lesson the rest of my course consists of seven bonus components the first one is an excel spreadsheet so again i’m going to select document i’ll call it bonus one campaign tracking spreadsheet we’ll say it’s a document file but i’ve tested this and you can actually upload excel spreadsheets as well i’m going to browse select my spreadsheet and upload it the next component is a daily tracking spreadsheet so i’ll add another lesson give it a title select document attach the document and upload it my next component is a pdf so we’ll add a lesson give it a title select the pdf and upload it my next component is a video which means i need to host it either on youtube vimeo or upload it anywhere else of my choice i went ahead and uploaded it to youtube set it to unlisted so that people can’t find it on youtube now i’m going to go ahead and just grab that youtube link add a new lesson select youtube video paste the link give it a title for the duration i’m going to go ahead and say it’s one hour long and then add that video my next component is another pdf so we’ll add a lesson select document give it a title attach the pdf and upload it my next component is another video so i’m going to go back to my youtube channel select the next video that i uploaded copy the link come back and add another lesson select youtube video paste the url give it a title we’ll say this one’s an hour long as well and add the lesson finally my last component is also a youtube video so i’m going to grab that link come back add the lesson paste my url give it a title this one’s an hour and 45 minutes long and we’ll add that lesson that’s the entire course so i’m going to go ahead and click finish and update it says course updated successfully now under actions i can click to view this course on the academy and you can see here this course that i managed to set up in a matter of minutes you have the title the description the bullet points the curriculum the requirements and then the description one thing i should have mentioned when we were writing the description is that that’s a complete wysiwyg editor so you can also format this text and you can also add your own pictures uh and videos to this area up here at the top we have the course thumbnail and if we click to view this video it’ll pull up that preview video that we added from youtube hey friend eric here we can see the price that i created was 77 which is discounted from the regular price of 97 and viewers of this site can either add it to their wish list buy it now or add it to their cart you can also also see that it includes 3 hours and 45 minutes of on-demand videos eight lessons full lifetime access and they get access on mobile and tv now i’m going to show you what this looks like from the customer’s perspective when they buy it first i’m going to go back to our courses and i’m going to edit this course and momentarily make it free now you can make any course free for the purpose of simply building a following or building a list now if i come back and refresh the page we’ll see that the course is free i’m going to go ahead and click to get enrolled sign up enter my information and click sign up now that i’m logged in as a user i can simply click get enrolled and now i’m a member of this course as a customer i can then give that course a rating hopefully five stars out of five and write a review i’ll click start lesson and it takes us to module one which is that pdf download if i were to come down to module 2 it’s that excel spreadsheet download the videos start in module 5 so we’ll click on that one and you can see it embeds the video right here in their membership area if i click back to courses it takes me back to my customer dashboard where i can see all of the courses that i’ve either enrolled in or purchased the other thing i forgot to mention is that your custom sub domain will be consistent throughout the customer’s experience you can see here that the address is that’s the custom subdomain that i created when we set up this academy going back to your admin dashboard you can then click on students and we see the student that just joined this new course you can also send messages to your students from within this dashboard under settings i want to take a quick look at academy settings again my academy name is eric’s academy we’ll say start learning with eric’s academy we’ll just say the author is eric h start learning with eric’s academy you can enter your own unique slogan you can enter your own email there optionally you can enter your address and phone number which would be displayed at the bottom of the page optionally you can enter a youtube or vimeo api key and then you can enter your own custom footer text and link i’m going to say for coaching go to inner profit circle that’s my coaching club so i’ll go ahead and save this now if we go visit my academy home page we’ll find my customized academy settings along with all of the courses that i currently have available for purchase you can see the new one that i just added along with many of the pre-configured courses that i have available down here at the bottom we have my contact information and my custom link so as you can see the potential of this is tremendous in a matter of minutes you truly can have your own entire academy on core serious here’s my verdict overall core serious 2 is a good application that i highly recommend it helps you achieve set up your own profitable e-learning business without much effort or time at all if you’re looking for an easier and faster way to create upload and sell courses online with just a few clicks then core serious 2 is the perfect application that would get you ahead i really appreciate you watching this video see you in the next review