EBStore OTO – EBStore App By Rick Nguyen Review – EBStore Review
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in this EB store review I’m going to be showing you a software that’s going to create a fully functional online bookstore in 60 seconds and make sure you stay to the end of this review is I’m also going to show you all the different otos and upgrades how you can get a discount on every single one of them including a discount you on the offer you see on the sales page if you’re new to my channel my name is Mike Thomas I’m a seven figure affiliate marketer I do these reviews every single day so that you can get the best deals in upcoming software courses if at any point during this review you want to check out EB store just go ahead and click that link below also please like this video it really helps out my YouTube channel and I appreciate it it make sure you hit that subscribe button and Bell notification last thing before we jump in here I just want to show you my bonus page I’ve got a ton of extra bonuses that you’re going to be getting if you purchase this through my link all these bonuses will be waiting for you right inside of warrior plus after you purchase through my link let’s take a look at the sales page here together it says finally a way to build a Spare Time online business without any skills experience or inventory brand new AI powered app Auto creates a fully functional online ebook store in less than 6 seconds and instantly loads it with 10 000 plus books and 100 plus genres that you can sell change the price of any book create unlimited discount coupons Etc so essentially you’re able to create an online bookstore with this you can go upload it uh the software’s fully uploaded with everything you just create your store step two you connect your preferred payment method PayPal stripe bank account pay fast Etc you can also add in your own ebooks if you want to and then when people purchase these on your website you receive a payment from it now we’ve got some things here on the sales page I’m going to go through here you can do one click uh store sell unlimited books create your own book manage all your customers effortless integration etc etc with this and now it does looks like it doesn’t have any crazy income screenshots which I like they’re not saying you’re gonna make a million dollars from this because you’re not you can make some extra income if you get people to come to your site and they purchase from you but of course like anything this is just a tool that that’s going to help you to build a store not some magic button and I like that this isn’t a really hypey sales page okay so I’m going to go over and play you a quick little video explain this more uh before I do that I’m going to tell you this make sure you move your mouse away when you come to the sales page most likely a discount code will pop up I make less is an affiliate by showing you that so please hit that like button okay let’s go take a look at that video and I’ll be back to show you the otos and the discounts on the otos friend what we’ve achieved is blowing we’ve developed a proprietary artificial intelligence that lets you Auto create a fully functional online ebook store in less than 60 seconds and instantly loads it with 10 000 plus ebooks and 100 plus genres that you can sell and change the price of any ebook as you know today everyone prefers ebooks because they’re easy to carry they’re easy to store they’re easy to read they have advanced features because the ebook technology makes you more well-read they’re easy to follow and they’re easy to share they’re eco-friendly this is the best time to start an online ebook store to build a Spare Time online business but we need to accept the truth creating a stunning ebook store is a daunting task because you need to buy complicated tools to build your store for example hosting website builder app content Builder App Store design app and many more you need to find and Source ebooks you need to set up payment and Delivery Systems you need to manage inventory and track sales what if there’s a brand new groundbreaking software that auto creates a fully functional online ebook store in less than 60 Seconds it’s all thanks to EB Store app a brand new groundbreaking software that auto creates a fully functional online ebook store in less than 60 seconds and instantly loads it with 10 000 plus ebooks and 100 plus genres that you can sell and change the price of any ebook you too can start your own online ebook store in Just Three Easy Steps step one log in and watch the app instantly create a fully functional online ebook store loaded with 10 000 plus ebooks and a hundred plus top selling genres in less than 60 Seconds step two connect your preferred payment processor and create discount coupons you can add your own ebooks if you want step 3 sell ebooks and collect payments our built-in Intelligent Traffic Tech sends millions of readers to your site and it’s all smooth sailing from there if you’re tired of going nowhere and want some change then EB store is the shortcut you’ve been searching for it’s only fair for such a steel deal to last for a limited period first movers can take unprecedented advantage of this sophisticated technology we’re confident that this much value has never been offered at such a low price so it’s really about embracing the change as quickly as possible to profit like never before in the event that you don’t make unprecedented profits with EB store for a cost equivalent to your morning coffee and bagels and we assure you a complete refund simply ask and get all your money back within 30 days of your purchase EB store will soon be sold for a monthly or yearly subscription after the special launch period ends if you buy now you can access it for a one-time only low price today so you’ve been warned that this incredible price will disappear as soon as the timer strikes zero click on the button below this video to get EV store for the lowest price we’re excited to see you inside [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] okay so we are back so this is an actual site created with the software you can see that you can list all your different eBooks on here and then when people come over they can actually go and purchase them and you get the money when they make those payments the back end area is right here where you’ve got everything all inside of here where you’ve got all your different sites your registered users your total ebooks you can see it says 10 000 and PDFs created with this you can actually see all your different stores here as well now there are multiple upgrades the first one is the advanced version this one’s going to translate your ebook into 100 languages that you can send emails to people push notifications you can connect a custom domain so if you want to use your own domain with it you can even allow to add in like Facebook pixels so you can do retargeting retargeting and stuff but here’s what I want to show you make sure when you come to this page that you move your mouse away and a discount code will pop up here so you can get a 20 discount I make less as an affiliate by showing you that so please hit that like button next one here you’re going to see is it says the E EBS store uh EB store Profit Stream version where you can add in four income streams a hundred thousand done for you t-shirt designs 120 000 attention grabbing done for you audio tracks all these extra things you can add in here again move your mouse away and get a discount the next one here is it looks like you can sell these accounts to people and so it’s an agency license move your mouse away and get a hundred dollar discount and the last one here is all about traffic so if you want to be able to drive traffic to your store and you want to learn how to do that move your mouse away get a discount all these otos are optional pick and choose the ones that you want and forget the ones that you don’t okay so what do I like about EB store and what don’t I like about it if I just say something that I don’t like about this uh it’s just the fact that any like any of these software they are just a tool just be aware of that it’s not like you’re going to create one of these stores and start making a million dollars overnight that’s just never gonna happen what do I like about this if you’ve been trying to create a ebooks door this is something you’ve done been wanting to do and you want to create it really quickly and have them hosted for you and you don’t even have to buy a domain then check this out thank you so much for checking out my EB store review if you want to take a look at it go ahead and click that link below also please like this video it really helps out my YouTube channel and I appreciate it and make sure you hit that subscribe button and Bell notification as always thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you again in my next review video thanks